
Explore our equity solutions for institutional investors, combining local expertise, active engagement and robust research capabilities.


Achieve world-class risk-adjusted returns

At the core of our approach is the conviction that alpha can be extracted through a disciplined, repeatable and fundamental investment process.


Leveraging on our strong internal capabilities, we manage and offer a range of unique and innovative solutions.


Our equity team combines:

  • a strong local presence
  • active company engagement
  • deep equity research capabilities
  • an integrated portfolio construction

Achieve world-class risk-adjusted returns

Equities at Amundi - Our aim is to deliver you world-class risk-adjusted returns.

Our key differentiators

€ 443 bn



Portfolio Managers¹



Why partner with us for active equity strategies:

Through seven locations, our 76-strong investment team¹ is characterised by a strong average industry experience and a wide diversity of backgrounds. 

Our disciplined and repeatable investment process for alpha generation focuses on fundamental bottom-up research, supported by one of the largest industry buy-side research teams.

With dedicated portfolio construction analysts embedded in the team, we create a platform for attractive risk adjusted returns for clients.

We offer a comprehensive range of high-conviction active equity strategies, covering all main geographical areas, sectors and capitalisation levels.

We implement a diligent and innovative approach to ESG integration. It is fully part of our fundamental analysis, uncovering risks as well as opportunities for each investment case.

We have a long track record in equity protection and overlay strategies for investors seeking downside protection and reduction in volatility for their equity allocations.

Explore our equity range

Core equities

Our core expertise includes alpha products, high conviction strategies aiming to outperform benchmarks. Using bottom-up, fundamental stock selection, these strategies have proven track records of delivering strong risk-adjusted returns over the medium term.

US equities

Our US equity platform offers diverse actively managed strategies tailored for institutional investors. Dating back to 1928, it was the first in the US to integrate responsible investment criteria. Today, our equity team fully integrates ESG analysis into our research. We focus on generating strong risk-adjusted returns.

Emerging markets equities

We apply an integrated and research led approach to investing in EM. We aim to create alpha and avoid permanent capital impairment by embedding risk management and portfolio construction capabilities with bespoke tools designed around the investment process.

Discover our innovations in equity

ESG Improvers


ESG Improvers, our innovative approach, consists of detecting and investing in companies with ESG momentum, who benefit from a solid fundamental investment case and an improving ESG profile.



Sustainable income


The European/Global Equity Sustainable Income strategy offers a unique combination of income and ESG.

These strategies seek to achieve an attractive level of income and a superior risk adjusted return with a sustainable framework relative to the benchmark. It is fully aligned with our strong ESG ambition, leveraging on our Equity Income expertise and extensive ESG capabilities.

The European/Global Equity Sustainable Income strategy offers a unique combination of income and ESG.

Amundi's Convexity Solutions team, with over 20 years of experience in managing derivatives and equity volatility strategies, offers tailored protection solutions.

Minimise Risks


Our protection solutions aim to minimize drawdowns, portfolio volatility, and address regulatory constraints like Solvency II, while mitigating the risk of unfortunate market timing.


Amundi's Convexity Solutions team, with over 20 years of experience in managing derivatives and equity volatility strategies, offers tailored protection solutions.


These focus on liquid listed equity index options, providing asymmetric risk-return profiles to meet each client's needs efficiently and sustainably.

Read more on our equity market views

1. Source: Amundi, as 30/09/2023.