Social Initiative
Amundi believes that investing in the Social and Solidarity Economy today will be a source of profitability tomorrow.
Integrating the social pillar into your investments
In line with our commitment to supporting sustainable investment across all asset classes, Amundi has developed a range of social investment strategies. These date back to 2013 with the launch of the Finance and Solidarity strategy and later a dedicated social bond strategy supporting the expansion of this nascent market.
Amundi is committed to spearheading the development of the social agenda globally, through sophisticated integration of social issues across all main asset classes: fixed income, equity, and non-listed assets.
Social BondsSupporting the recovery and long-term inclusive growth by promoting socially impactful issuers Just Transition for ClimateSetting corporates on a path to a 2°C trajectory without leaving anyone behind Private Public PartnershipsProvide financing for inclusive, resilient post-Covid-19 recovery in emerging markets. |
Social ImpactEncouraging companies with the best social practices and participating in the reduction of inequalities EducationGlobal strategy investing in a whole ecosystem centred around lifelong education |
Social Impact Investing Finance and Solidarity
Providing measurable social impact alongside financial returns |
Focus Social Bonds
Amundi Social Bonds - Annual impact Report 2022
Improving social practices through engagement
Through its stewardship activity, Amundi seeks to accompany the transition towards a sustainable, inclusive and low-carbon economy while driving long-term value for its client’s portfolios.
Market initiatives
Amundi is at the forefront of development and research of Social and Sustainability-linked bonds, and published key research pieces to lead the discussion.
Amundi has been a member of the Social Bond Principles Executive Committee since 2017 and co-chaired the ICMA Social Bond Working Group for two consecutive editions. |
The 30 % Club is a global campaign taking action to increase gender diversity at board and senior management levels. Sharing this commitment, Amundi participated in the creation of the French Chapter in 2020. |
The Platform for Living Wage Financials is an alliance of invertors encouraging companies to address inadequate pay issues. Amundi has been a signatory since 2018. |
Since 2010, Amundi has been an active supporter of the Access to Medicine Foundation, an independant non-profit organization with the mission to encourage pharmaceutical companies to do more for people living in low and middle-income countries. |
Learn more
Responsible investment offering
A wide range of responsible solutions from open-ended funds to tailor-made Responsible Investment.
Environment initiatives
Bring the fight against climate change accessible to all investors.
Engagement for all investors
Being responsible for all investors.
Responsible Investing: our commitment
Acting as a responsible financial institution is a core commitment of Amundi’s development strategy.
Sustainability-related disclosures
ESG, Climate, Engagement & Vote
1Source: Stewardship Report 2020
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