Amundi Intermédiation – Outsourced Trading Service

Enhance your quality of execution and scale your trading capacity.
Amundi Intermediation, regulated entity dedicated to best execution is one of the leading provider of buy-side outsourced Dealing solution for all asset classes and geographies.
Our clients join a leading buy-side dealing community and benefit from the full services of execution.

Key figures


dealers 1

3.5 millions

trades executed1


counterparties 1

Buy-side trading challenges

Over the last 10 years, market changes have led investment managers to reconsider their strategic approach to dealing. The impact of rising technology costs for trading infrastructure, operational challenges and regulatory obligations has increased fund managers’ interest in outsourced dealing.

The time, investment, expertise and size required today to evolve, grow efficiently within trading activities and to operate a trading desk is more and more challenging.

Key characteristics

Experienced partner for processing orders

A centralized dealing desk giving access to all instruments, markets and geographical areas. The service is based on a Global Trading Operating Model (GTOM) with dedicated centers of market expertise by asset classes, providing a follow the sun service on all markets and all asset classes. With no prop trading activity, Amundi Intermediation is solely dedicated to client best interest, with no conflict of interest.

Worldwide capacity

The solution offers a worldwide coverage for its clients: Asset Managers, banks, Family Offices, insurers, pension funds… The aim is to deliver the best execution at the best cost.

Agent model 

Amundi Intermediation provides outsourced dealing services, in an agent model, ensuring a continuity in the relationship between the client and its counterparties, while leveraging the existing Amundi Intermediation ecosystem of counterparties.

Structure, compliance and reporting

By joining Amundi Intermediation, clients benefit from its robust and proven infrastructure. The service ensures regulatory serenity with compliance TCA & Transaction reporting. Clients benefit from the dedicated team for reporting and compliance.

Modular Services

  • Strong and rigorous selection process of counterparties based on quantitative and qualitative criteria.
  • co-constructed with clients through a yearly selection commitee.

Demonstrated by asset classes and markets thanks to:

  • Access to all liquidity pools & platforms ecosystem for execution.
  • Best execution strategy ensured by senior dealers on each asset classes and markets

Post-trade for matching and settlement instructions to custodians fully embedded within the dealing solution.

  • Operations and regulatory reporting on orders and transactions, including trading statistics, TCA reporting and RTS-28.
  • RCCA management fees payment.

Key benefits


Dealing services: order management and execution


1. Source: Amundi figures as of 31/03/2023

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